Our Eternal High Priest

5 So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him,
                  “You are my Son,
      today I have begotten you”;
6 as he says also in another place,
                  “You are a priest forever,
      after the order of Melchizedek.”

Heb 5:5–6
Our Eternal High Priest
Christ did not exalt Himself to the position of High Priest; He was appointed by the Father. His priesthood is rooted in God’s eternal plan, foretold in Psalm 110:4, "You are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek." Unlike the temporary Levitical priests, Jesus’ priesthood is eternal and perfect. His priestly work transcends the earthly temple, reaching its fulfillment on the cross. On Calvary, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. As both Priest and Victim, He bore the punishment we deserved. Through His resurrection, He continues to intercede for us, providing the grace we need for daily life. This High Priest, chosen by the Father and willing to endure the cross for you, now reigns forever. Trust in Him, who not only forgives your sins but also leads you into eternal life with His love and mercy. Let us draw near to Him in faith.
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