Betrayed for Our Salvation

And when it was evening, he came with the twelve. And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” They began to be sorrowful and to say to him one after another, “Is it I?” He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”
Mark 14:17–21
Betrayed for Our Salvation
Jesus arranged the Passover meal in a secret location, knowing the betrayal that awaited Him. As they ate, He revealed that one of His closest followers would hand Him over to His enemies. This revelation brought sorrow to the disciples, highlighting the presence of opposition even within their ranks. Judas’ betrayal, driven by Satan, played into God's plan for salvation. The sacrifice of the Passover lamb foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, our Redeemer. Despite the pain and treachery, Jesus embraced His mission to bring salvation to the world. This moment reminds us of the depth of His love and the cost of our redemption. Through His suffering and death, He conquered sin and death, securing eternal life for all who believe. As we reflect on this, let us find hope and strength in Jesus' unwavering resolve. In His sacrifice, we see the fulfillment of God's promise and the assurance of our salvation.
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