
Masters, treat your bondservants justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.
Col 4:1
God has created us as a communal people. We are not meant to be alone. This is why Adam was given Eve, this is why it takes a husband and a wife to come together to procreate and bring forth children. We are intended to be given life in the context of a family. The Fall has corrupted this and made it difficult, but it is still God’s will. So we can’t be individualists; we must come together for the good of all. People have to work together. But the heart of the old nature is to seek personal advantage, which causes frustration, resentment, and violence. Paul urges us to resist this temptation, no matter what our calling in life may be. Resistance becomes a reality when we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us. In Christ, we know that we will not miss out on anything. May the Lord lead us to spend our lives in loving service for Him and others, for He has so dearly loved us.
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