Proclaimed in all the Earth

For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
Romans 9:17-18
Proclaimed in all the Earth
The message of the cross seems so insignificant to the world. They gloss over it or ignore it. They chalk it up to some old people's opinion. But that is not the claim that the Scriptures make for itself. God declares that he is present in the world. He is active and shows his power in the expected and the unexpected places. In a little insignificant town, in the middle of a forgotten province in the Roman Empire, the Son of God is born in a stable. The power of God is made manifest to the world in weakness. He uses pagan kings, like Pharaoh, Herod, and Tiberius to further his saving agenda and to bring about the transformation of death. He has mercy on whomever he pleases. It has pleased God almighty to have mercy on you. How does he do it? He proclaims the baby born in Bethlehem who died on the cross to be the Savior of you. By Jesus' blood you are bought back from sin, death, and the devil. You are made a child of God by water and the Word. You are nourished and sustained by preaching and eating the Lord's body and blood. You are made glorious in his sight by the blood of his cross. The power of God is made manifest in you.
Romans 9:17-18
Proclaimed in all the Earth
The message of the cross seems so insignificant to the world. They gloss over it or ignore it. They chalk it up to some old people's opinion. But that is not the claim that the Scriptures make for itself. God declares that he is present in the world. He is active and shows his power in the expected and the unexpected places. In a little insignificant town, in the middle of a forgotten province in the Roman Empire, the Son of God is born in a stable. The power of God is made manifest to the world in weakness. He uses pagan kings, like Pharaoh, Herod, and Tiberius to further his saving agenda and to bring about the transformation of death. He has mercy on whomever he pleases. It has pleased God almighty to have mercy on you. How does he do it? He proclaims the baby born in Bethlehem who died on the cross to be the Savior of you. By Jesus' blood you are bought back from sin, death, and the devil. You are made a child of God by water and the Word. You are nourished and sustained by preaching and eating the Lord's body and blood. You are made glorious in his sight by the blood of his cross. The power of God is made manifest in you.
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